HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering GmbH, based in Chemnitz, has been supporting the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for two years in the development of the NGT chassis of the future. Disruptive and forward-looking train concepts such as the DLR's Next Generation Train are intended to make new technologies and research findings available to the rail industry. HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering is proud to be able to make a contribution to this.

By combining the respective competencies of DLR (vehicle and chassis concept development, lightweight construction optimization) and HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering (production-oriented detail development; chassis know-how), an important step towards the demonstrator chassis was achieved. In addition to the design implementation of the lightweight welded inner wheel carrier and the outer secondary frame, HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering was also responsible for the strength design of the structures, including welded joints. Based on the production documents created, a prototype of the wheel carrier has already been successfully produced, which will now be followed by the secondary frame in the near future.